Officials Hope New Tax Credits Boost Maryland Tuition-Savings Plan

WASHINGTON – Garry and Sharon Voith paid more than $54,000 to Maryland’s prepaid college tuition program last year to cover future tuition costs for all three of their children

Prince George’s Reacts With Mixed Feelings To The Legislative Session

ANNAPOLIS – Prince George’s County legislators were united in claiming the 1999 legislative session was a success – just like they do every year

Montgomery County Leaders Claim General Assembly Successes

ANNAPOLIS – Montgomery County won $159 million in direct operating aid for education and $108 million in capital projects funding during the 1999 General Assembly session, prompting county leaders to call it their best showing yet

Black Caucus Declares Victory on MLK Holiday, Education and Tobacco

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Legislative Black Caucus failed to win recognition as an official delegation in this year’s General Assembly, but members were heartened by the passage of a Martin Luther King Jr

Tobacco Tax Leaves Cloud Over Western Maryland Delegation

ANNAPOLIS – The passing of a 30-cent tax on tobacco clouded an otherwise successful legislative session for the Western Maryland delegation, legislators said Tuesday

Southern Maryland Claims Victory for Farmers

ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland lawmakers are claiming victory for their farmers at the close of the 1999 General Assembly session – a victory they said was only made possible by tremendous legislative compromises

Tax Break for Holocaust Victims Signed into Law

ANNAPOLIS – Backers of successful legislation to give Holocaust victims and their families a one-time tax break on recovered World War II assets celebrated the bill’s signing Tuesday with a moment of silence led by Gov

Shore Makes Out Well During Session, Members Say

ANNAPOLIS – The slow pace and grinding over issues during this year’s Maryland General Assembly had some Eastern Shore delegates and senators calling the legislative session “unusual” and “frustrating

Appeals Court Rules Again on Behalf of Sam’s Club in Labor Dispute

A federal appeals court has reaffirmed its 1998 ruling that a Sam’s Club in Landover could not be found guilty of unfair labor practices during a union drive at the warehouse store

Lone Woman Toughs Out Prison Boot Camp With Hundreds of Men

JESSUP – Officially, the Herman L