Long-term Report Says Maryland Welfare Reform is Working

ANNAPOLIS — For nine years, Angela Thomas relied on welfare to care for her family

Court Upholds Victim’s ID of Handcuffed Suspect in Carjacking

ANNAPOLIS – The Court of Special Appeals upheld attempted armed carjacking and kidnapping convictions of man who complained that Prince George’s County Police let the victim identify him when “he looked as if he was

Statistics Don’t Tell the Whole Story of Welfare Reform

ANNAPOLIS – The statistics indicate that welfare reform in Maryland has been a breeze

Victims Rights Expanded in General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland lawmakers continued to expand victims rights this year, approving bills that will notify victims of plea bargains and give more people the right to speak at parole hearings

Open Parole Hearings Help Victims Families Cope With Loss

WESTOVER – Sheila Harding watched from behind a glass wall as the man who murdered her daughter with three blasts from a shotgun explained why he should be let out on parole after serving half of his 30-year sentence

Critics Say Community Service Ideals are Falling By Wayside

ANNAPOLIS – Faced with a state mandate to perform 75 hours of community service, students in Caroline County’s Colonel Richardson High School decided to lobby for repairs to the aging Dover Bridge

One-Room Schoolhouse Was Heart of Community, And Vice-Versa

CAMBRIDGE – Barbara Ennels Lake stood in the chilly one-room schoolhouse, looking beyond the buckets and tools that crowd the room now to a past when she learned to read and write

Child Advocates Hail Legislative Wins, Foresee Dramatic Results

ANNAPOLIS – Child advocates are calling 1998 the best legislative session in memory, with passage of bills that upgrade standards and salaries for child welfare workers and make it easier to take children from abusive — even murderous — parents

Business Happy with 1998 Scorecard, Despite Some Big Losses

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland business leaders said Friday that one of their few major losses in an otherwise “resounding session” is already coming back to hurt them

Naming Undercover Cops Protected by First Amendment, Court Says

ANNAPOLIS – A divided Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled Thursday that Ocean City police violated Wayne Nelson Davis’ free-speech rights when they arrested him for telling a friend that two undercover officers might be “narcs