High court gives stamp of approval to helmet law

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld a law requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets, saying the state’s failure to publish a list of approved helmets does not invalidate the law

Centuries-Old Adultery Law Will Not be Tinkered With

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s centuries-old adultery law appears to be safe for now, as lawmakers have passed on a proposal to modernize it

Montgomery Lawmaker Tells Rural Seniors to Take Their Medicine

ANNAPOLIS – A Montgomery County legislator has a message for Eastern Shore, Western and Southern Maryland seniors in a huff over new, $75-a-month Medicare premiums: get over it

Congressional Incumbents Boast Flush Bank Accounts

ANNAPOLIS – Members of Maryland’s congressional delegation are sitting on bulging election-year war chests, with five House members over $200,000 and Sen

Reps React to Clinton’s Budget Proposal


Appeals Court Ruling Tightens Leash on Pet Owners

ANNAPOLIS – Attorneys said that a decision published Friday by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals will give victims of dog attacks a powerful tool for suing the animals’ owners

Klan’s Numbers Flagging in Maryland, Officials Say

ANNAPOLIS – Organizers of Saturday’s Ku Klux Klan rally in Annapolis have a permit for 60 people, but groups that monitor the KKK said there probably aren’t that many Klansmen in the state

Estranged Parents Battle Over Dead Child’s Estate

ANNAPOLIS – A Mitchellville woman is fighting to keep her dead son’s $8 million estate from the boy’s father, who she said failed to make any support payments while the child was alive

Sexual Assaults Fall Slightly on Maryland College Campuses

BALTIMORE – Sexual assaults dropped slightly on the state’s public college campuses in the last school year, falling from 21 to 16 reported cases

Lawmaker Says `Tattered’ Teachers Don’t Make the Grade

ANNAPOLIS – Some teachers need to class up their acts, lawmakers and students told the House Ways and Means Committee Thursday