WASHINGTON – The recent Pfiesteria outbreak has sparked a congressional panel to investigate the response of state and federal agencies to the mysterious toxic microbe
With CNS-Dead-Beat List
WASHINGTON – A statewide computer system to track Maryland child support payments — mandated by the federal government a decade ago to help find dead-beat parents — is five years behind schedule and still not ready
High Court To Rule On Maryland Confession Case
WASHINGTON – When the Supreme Court decides the fate of a Baltimore man this session they will likely set a precedent that could have far reaching implications for the use of confessions made to police
More Marylanders Getting High School Diplomas
WASHINGTON – More Marylanders are earning their high school diplomas than ever before, reflecting the document’s increasing value in the business world, officials say
Federal, State Officials Agree On Route 113 Improvement Plan
WASHINGTON – Clinton administration officials, federal lawmakers and state officials preliminarily agreed Thursday on a $150 million plan to turn two dangerous sections of a major Eastern Shore beach route into a four-lane divided highway
Maryland Delegation Unanimously Backs Pay Raises For Congress
WASHINGTON – Maryland lawmakers should expect tough questions about voting themselves a pay raise when they hit the campaign trail next year, political analysts said Thursday
Bartlett Turns Mir Focus Back To Science
WASHINGTON – Scientist-turned-congressman Roscoe Bartlett is worried that scientific research is not a priority on board the Russian space station Mir
Bartlett Attacks Call For Ban On Stealth Planes At Air Shows
WASHINGTON – In the wake of the stealth fighter crash outside of Baltimore, Rep