Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program that prevents some residents brought to the United States as children from being deported, is being restored to its former, Obama-era policies after a ruling on Dec. 4 that overturned the Trump administration’s attempt to limit and eventually end the program.
Maryland examining wastewater for coronavirus
As coronavirus cases continue to rise across Maryland, the state is looking into testing wastewater as another way to help combat the pandemic. Widespread testing is expected to begin later this month, according to Maryland’s Department of Environment.
Maryland lawmakers ‘disappointed’ by witness at hearing
The former Maryland Environmental Service Director of Operations and Strategic Partnerships invoked his right against self-incrimination more than 100 times, disappointing legislators during Thursday’s joint committee investigation of a severance payout to the agency’s former director, who was also briefly Gov. Larry Hogan’s, R, chief of staff.
Few incidents of voter intimidation and harassment reported
The Maryland Attorney General’s office reported a “relatively small” number of voter intimidation and harassment complaints in this year’s presidential election.
For area libraries and patrons, pandemic has meant a whole new story
Since the closure of many businesses and operations in March, many libraries in both the District of Columbia and Maryland have reopened and are now running at limited capacity.
Maryland plans phased COVID-19 vaccine distribution next week
Maryland’s first shipment of COVID-19 vaccine doses is expected next week, and the state’s health department plans a phased-in distribution beginning with healthcare workers, long-term care facilities and first responders, though building confidence among those hesitant to take the vaccine — including minority populations — may prove challenging.
The legislative legacies of the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor protests
Civil unrest rocked the country after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, with protests taking place in cities around the United States. CNS looked at how select jurisdictions responded with legislation to demands for police reform.
Telling the Uncomfortable Truth
As the United States nears 300,000 COVID-19 deaths, excitement over the promise of a vaccine mounts. To many, the vaccine signals an end to the pandemic. As cases surge, journalists have eagerly promoted the vaccine. To quell public doubt and…
Maryland looks into statewide mandate on police body cameras
Lawmakers are pushing for a statewide mandate requiring every police department in Maryland to equip officers with body cameras, however the cost for equipment and maintenance of the footage may be the biggest challenge.
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