Bay Restoration Fee Increase Proposed to O’Malley Task Force

A governor’s task force on sustainable growth on Tuesday heard a proposal to double and eventually triple Marylanders’ monthly water and sewer fee of $2.50 for Chesapeake Bay restoration. The recommendation would increase the average residential fee from $30 per year to $60 per year starting in the 2013 fiscal year and $90 per year in the 2015 fiscal year.

Growing Algae Could Clean the Chesapeake Bay and Create Biofuel

Typically, algae hurt the bay because they contribute to dead zones, oxygen depleted areas harmful to aquatic life. But by growing fields of algae in a controlled system, the tiny plants can clean water while creating a feedstock for biofuel.

Rainwater Gardens to Reduce Chesapeake Pollution

Gardens that filter rainwater to reduce pollution in the Chesapeake Bay will be planted in Prince George’s County, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday.

Chesapeake Murky and Debris-Strewn after Recent Downpours

The relentless rain caused by Tropical Storm Lee swelled the Susquehanna River and other Chesapeake Bay tributaries to historic levels, and officials are concerned that the resulting influx of nutrients and sediments could harm aquatic life.

Sewage Spill after Hurricane Irene Limits Shellfish Harvesting in Part of Chesapeake

Most of Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay will reopen to shellfish harvesting Sunday after a weeklong closure.