Adnan Syed returns to court to appeal decision to reinstate conviction

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Subject of the podcast “Serial,” Adnan Syed returns to the Supreme Court of Maryland to appeal the March 2023 decision to reinstate his conviction. Syed was released in October 2022 after serving 23 years in prison for…

Endometriosis affects 200 million worldwide but many suffer in silence

Endometriosis is a whole-body disease affecting women, transgender and non-binary individuals. EndoMarch is an organization spreading awareness worldwide about the disease which currently has no guaranteed treatment or guaranteed way to diagnose without surgery.

Rescued horses help veterans on their path to healing

Non-profit Lifeline Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation provides therapy and healing for veterans and current service members struggling with PTSD and depression. Many of the horses in the program are rescued and go through rehabilitation to then be adopted.

Years later a victim and her family still suffer after Las Vegas mass shooting

So far this year there have been about 160 mass shootings since the beginning of the year. Gun violence in the United States has led to hundreds of family members’ lives changed forever. Mary Moreland shares the story of her and her daughter, Tina Frost’s, path to healing.

Early voting starts for special mayoral election

Early voting has started for the May 6th special mayoral election. This is after now-former Mayor Patrick Wojahn stepped down in light of child pornography charges.

High school cosmetology students open one-day fundraising salon

Thomas Edison High School of Technology gives students the ability to explore their interests hands-on. Cosmetology students open a one-day salon to fund those who will participate in the SkillsUSA local and national competition.

Former Terrapin Taylor Cummings is a color commentator for Maryland women’s lacrosse

A player, a coach and now a commentator. Taylor Cummings is a color commentator for The Big Ten Network, announcing most home games for Maryland women’s lacrosse. She adds more knowledge to the call with her experience as a top-ranked player in the nation.

Maryland pitcher Courtney Wyche started her own pitching camp where she coaches young girls

Courtney Wyche started her own pitching camp with her father. She coaches high schoolers along with her teammates, Kylie Goff and Kyra Pittman. Wyche started to teach herself how to pitch at age 10. Through that she developed a passion for teaching other young girls.

Master puppeteer pulls heart strings in schools across Maryland

In a world saturated with digital entertainment, one Maryland performer is keeping an old art form alive, the puppet show.
73-year-old Michael Cotter earns a living performing with his portable puppet theatre in schools across Baltimore and Prince George’s County.

Non-profit shields kids and families from anti-LGBTQ protestors like the Proud Boys

The group also helps support victims of human trafficking, many of the victims are part of the LGBTQ+ community.