Pope’s visit Sparks Maryland Congregations to Push for Climate Legislation

More than 80 congregations throughout the state are standing behind a multi-faith effort to spread climate change awareness and improve Maryland environmental policy.

Climate Commission Changes Gain Senate Approval, Now Head to House

The Maryland Senate voted favorably Tuesday on a bill to expand and provide guidelines for membership and subdivisions of the Climate Change Commission, and now it heads to the House of Delegates for approval.

Van Hollen Bill Would Promote Cleaner Environment, Provide Grants to Citizens

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Kensington, has reintroduced legislation designed to curb pollution by reducing carbon emissions while providing grants to Americans to offset higher energy costs.

Maryland Wine Industry Sees Tremendous Growth Over Past Decade

Maryland’s wine industry, while not a powerhouse in the world of vino, has seen tremendous growth over the past decade and the state has the potential to become a major center of wine production in time, experts said.