Scooter Riders Raise Questions About Eye-Protection Law

A new law requiring motor scooter and moped users to wear helmets and eye protection has riders confused as to what should be shielding their eyes.

Feds Target Maryland Buyers of Raw Milk

The feds have cut off a supply of raw milk for Maryland residents from Pennsylvania. The move outraged some Marylanders who are forced to go out of state for raw milk because Maryland is one of 25 states in which sales for human consumption are illegal.

Mikulski Introduces Bill to Fund Alzheimer’s Research

Research into Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases would win a boost under a bill introduced Thursday by Sen. Barbara Mikulski.

Raw Milk Advocates Protest Outside FDA

A group of protesters known as the “Raw Milk Freedom Riders” purchased raw milk from Pennsylvania and drove to the Food and Drug Administration in Maryland to protest the prohibition of selling raw milk across state lines.