White House Ukraine call summary “damning,” Hoyer, other Democrats, say

WASHINGTON – Democratic lawmakers escalated the partisan furor over the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump Wednesday after the White House released a summary of a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Democrats called “damning.” The president asked…

Pelosi sets formal impeachment inquiry into Trump; Maryland Democrats concur

WASHINGTON – For the fourth time in history, Congress is opening an impeachment inquiry into the president of the United States, an extraordinarily fast-moving development after months of debate among Democrats over whether to proceed with such a constitutionally serious…

Maryland’s Hoyer contradicts Judiciary’s Nadler, then reverses course

WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Mechanicsville, reflected the Democrats’ muddled message on presidential impeachment in a press conference Wednesday, first saying the House is not currently conducting an inquiry, and later walking that back in a statement released…