Lieutenant Governor Proposes $4.3 Million Expansion of Pre-K

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown announced a $4.3 million expansion of prekindergarten to add an additional 1,600 children from a broader economic base, packaged with Gov. Martin O’Malley’s budget proposal.

Delegate Pushes for Statewide Native American Heritage Month

Delegate Peter Murphy, D-Charles, introduced a bill that would make November Native American Heritage Month in Maryland. The month is already recognized at the federal level.

Lt. Gov. Brown Favors Emergency Legislation for Retroactive Health Care Enrollment

Despite a rocky rollout, the Maryland governor’s office pushes for residents to sign up for health care through the state’s Health Benefit Exchange.

Supreme Court Case Draws Attention to Nomination Battles

Many nominees for federal posts still await confirmation, including some in Maryland, as presidential appointments return to the spotlight thanks to this week’s Supreme Court debate over President Barack Obama’s recess appointments.

O’Malley Plans No Tax Increases for Marylanders in 2015 Budget

Gov. Martin O’Malley boasts optimistic job creation efforts and spending cuts for the state in his 2015 budget despite heavy Republican opposition.

O’Malley’s Budget Proposal Calls for Hike in College Tuition

Chancellor Brit Kirwan said he is pleased with O’Malley’s proposed budget, which calls for a 3 percent college tuition hike.

Cardin, Fellow Senators Vow Action on Climate Change

Sen. Ben Cardin and other members of the Climate Action Task Force are planning to “wake up Congress” and make noise about climate change

Maryland Legislature to Consider Rescission of 1860s Pro-Slavery Law

Sen. Brian Frosh initiated legislation to rescind Maryland’s ratification of an amendment which would have permanently prevented Congress from overriding state slavery laws.

Brown Tells Lawmakers That Reports Gave No Warning of Botched Health Care Rollout

Brown said reports he received as overseer of Maryland’s health care reform failed to alert him to major glitches that would mark the launch of the state’s health care exchange website.

Maryland Plans to Reform Health Care Spending in Hospitals

Officials announced the approval of a new Maryland plan that could put the state at the forefront of progressive health care.