The Wounded Warrior Project’s ‘Soldier Ride’ Comes to the DMV

Washington-The Wounded Warrior Project is hosting a Soldier Ride in the DMV. The organization aims to unite veterans by hosting events that promote wellness, friendship and healing.

150th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Assassination Draws Large Crowd

The death of Abraham Lincoln was commemorated by the National Park Service at exactly 7:22a Wednesday morning, 150 years after the country’s 16th president was assassinated while watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington.

Let Summer Be Summer: A Battle of the Boards

For many of us Labor Day is synonymous with the start of the school year. But, in Maryland, many schools begin before the holiday. And that’s the rub.

Police Cracking Down on Distracted Driving

Across the nation, police will be cracking down on texting and driving in honor of Distracted Driving Awareness Month. At RFK stadium in Washington, volunteer drivers demonstrated the dangers being distracted behind the wheel.

Major Power Outage Closes Maryland Campus

An explosion at a Southern Maryland power facility caused power outages that spread from the power facility to the White House and the College Park campus of the University of Maryland.

Regional Leaders Launch the Street Smart Campaign

COLLEGE PARK – Spring is officially here and so is the spring Street Smart Campaign. Law enforcement officials will be on the lookout to ensure that traffic safety laws are followed.

Maryland Puts Voluntary Ban on Palcohol

Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot and Maryland Alcohol Wholesalers and Distributors have reached an agreement on the voluntary ban of the product Palcohol. Pacohol, powdered alcohol, was approved by the FDA but state leaders say there are too many risks associated with the product.

Science Bowl Season Finale

The University Park team has now won 6 county titles.

Atheist Groups Upset with Two Articles in Maryland’s Constitution

Maryland’s Constitution contains two articles that atheists groups find offensive because they discriminate against atheists. Although the articles were struck down by the Supreme Court in the 1960’s, Greg Lipper of Americans United for Separation of Church & State said it’s the principle of the thing.

Prince George’s County Celebrates Anti-Truancy Pilot Program

Student attendance is a big problem at many schools in Prince George’s County but a new initiative is helping to turn that problem around