Has the hex on video game adaptations been broken?

Rotten Tomatoes scores proves that these cross-media creations can win the hearts of critics.

General Assembly has grown more representative of Maryland’s demographics over past decade

The 2023 session saw a group of legislators that was more representative of the state in terms of race, gender, party affiliation and age than a decade ago.

Black Marylanders most often targeted by hate crimes and bias incidents in 2021

This comes on the heels of a report released by the FBI in March that showed an 11% rise in hate crimes nationwide between 2020 and 2021.

Hate crime package aims to curb Maryland’s rising antisemitic incidents

Maryland recorded the 10th-highest number of antisemitic incidents nationwide in 2022 with 109 — nearly double how many there were in 2021.

Grad student stipends often fall short of the living wage

Despite the stipend, basic necessities are often a financial burden to grad students.

Overall crime in Maryland is going down, but homicides and rapes are rising

Criminologists attribute the rise to gun crime and possession, the murders of George Floyd and Freddie Gray, and the loss of reliability on law enforcement.

Two counties moved to ‘healthier’ school start times. How does the rest of Maryland compare?

Howard County passed a resolution in February to push its high school start time to 8 a.m. in the same academic year that Anne Arundel County implemented its 8:30 a.m. high school start times. The latter said it was moving to “healthier school start and dismissal times for students.”

Big Ten universities’ costs outpace inflation as tuition, fees rise

Big Ten tuition data from 2003-2021 shows that tuition is outpacing inflation, but differences between universities vary considerably.

Sen. Kagan pushes package promoting election integrity in Maryland

One bill would require county elections boards to begin processing mail-in ballots eight business days before the start of early voting.

Legislation requiring fentanyl tests could save lives in Maryland

HB 811, sponsored by state Del. Joe Vogel, D-Montgomery, would require hospitals to conduct a test for fentanyl in patients suspected of drug overdose.