Protesters rally at the March on DC for a Better Tomorrow

They called it the “People’s March On Washington” and the weekend before President Donald Trump delivers his first State of the Union address thousands gathered in the nation’s capital and called for a better tomorrow. The march, organized by the grassroots organization, “People Demand Action,” kicked off at the Lincoln Memorial and followed a path down the National Mall that included a stop in front of the White House. Organizers say this is just the beginning of their efforts to mobilize in advance of the 2018 elections.

Justice Department calls for dismissal of MD-DC emoluments lawsuit against President Trump

Attorneys for Maryland and the District of Columbia told a U.S. District Court judge on Thursday that President Donald Trump has violated the provisions in the Constitution prohibiting officials, once in office, to personally profit from business with foreign governments and other states.

Gallery: Women’s March on Washington 2018

WASHINGTON – Thousands of women and men marched on the nation’s capital on Jan. 20 to mark the first anniversary of the massive march staged on Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration as president. The photographer, Julia…

Gallery: 2018 March for Life in Washington
WASHINGTON – The March for Life 2018 occurred on the National Mall on Jan. 19. Speakers included President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, both via satellite. Julia Lerner is a journalist in the Capital News Service Washington bureau.…