Debate Watch- UMD debuts new technology at debate watch

COLLEGE PARK- Hundreds turn out in College Park to both watch the presidential debate and take part in a new, immediate way of measuring audience response.

The University of Maryland debuted two Maryland-made forms of technology, including online voter registration for Maryland students and real-time polling where 2,000 students from across the country reacted to the debate and watched the trends live.

Baltimore business benefits from Orioles’ success

A sportswear company in East Baltimore sees growth in sales with each Orioles win.

Local High School Students Get Reality Shock with Drunk Driving Accident Demonstration

Students at Winston Churchill High School witnessed a mock drunk driving accident in an effort to show them the dangers of distracted and drunk driving.

Nationals Playoffs: Washington Fans Excited For Team’s Postseason Run

Nationals fans are fired up for Washington’s first taste of playoff baseball since 1933.

Storify: Maryland Tunes In to Presidential Debate

As President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney prepared to engage each other face to face in Denver, Marylanders met in homes, bars and campaign offices to watch the first presidential debate.

Offshore Wind in Md. Could Boost Recreational Fishing, Hurt Commercial Industry

ANNAPOLIS – If a wind farm is ever built off the coast of Ocean City, it could enhance recreational fishing by creating artificial reefs, but hurt commercial fishermen who dredge in the area by taking up valuable bottom with cables and lines

New P.G. County Teacher Evaluations Use Student Feedback

COLLEGE PARK – For the first time, Prince George’s County is using student feedback to evaluate teacher performance

New PG County Teacher Evaluations Use Student Feedback

For the first time, Prince George’s County is using student feedback to evaluate teacher performance.

Local moms do their part to reduce plastic waste

Reusable lunch bags called Lunchskins reduce need for plastic bags.

Offshore Wind in Md. Could Boost Recreational Fishing, Hurt Commercial Industry

If a wind farm is ever built off the coast of Ocean City it could enhance recreational fishing by creating artificial reefs, but hurt commercial fishermen who dredge in the area by taking up valuable bottom with cables and lines.