Maryland Delegates Help Nominate Mitt Romney in Roll Call

The Maryland delegation joined forces on Tuesday with delegates from around the United States to officially nominate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

Storify: Ann Romney, Humanizing Mitt and Appealing to Women

Ann Romney’s appeal was critical since Gallup polls show President Obama leading women voters 50 to 42 percent.

Virginia Gov. McDonnell Sticks to Theme of “We Built It”

“Big government didn’t build America,” McDonnell said. “Small businesses don’t come out of Washington, D.C., pre-made on flatbed trucks.”

Maryland Delegate is Source for Romney Gear at RNC in Tampa

One of Maryland’s delegates, Glen Burnie’s Brian Harlin, owns GOP Shoppe, which is supplying all the official merchandise for the GOP convention.

O’Malley Crashes GOP Convention, Draws Fire from Delegates

O’Malley slammed Romney’s economic plan and his record at Bain Capital.

Storify: Maryland Delegates at the GOP Convention

With the weather in Tampa no longer an issue, the Maryland delegation is off to a busy start at the Republican National Convention.

Storify: Gov. Martin O’Malley Attacks Romney at GOP Convention

Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) spoke from the Obama/Democratic National Convention Headquarters in Tampa on Tuesday, attacking Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s economic plan, calling Romney a “shipwrecker.”