A Dozen Railroad Crossings in Maryland Log Multiple Accidents in Recent Years; Residents Raise Concerns for Safety

WASHINGTON – Although railroad crossings in Maryland are getting safer, at least a dozen have had multiple accidents in recent years that led to injuries and a death, records show

House and Senate Move to Stop Snooping into Tax Records

WASHINGTON – Internal Revenue Service employees who snoop into taxpayers’ records without authorization would be subject to criminal penalties, under separate bills approved unanimously in the House and Senate Tuesday

Maryland Members of Congress Vote To Bar Federal Funds For Doctor-Assisted Suicide

WASHINGTON – Although opinions among Maryland congressmen vary on the issue of doctor-assisted suicide, all eight voted Thursday to prohibit federal funding of the practice

Editors: This is the sixth in a series of stories on federal Web sites. Emma McNamara can be reached at 202-260-1522.

WASHINGTON – It’s supposed to be for kids, but it’s pretty fun for grown-ups, too

Wanted: Volunteers to Clean Up Potomac River Shorelines

WASHINGTON – Hundreds of Marylanders are expected to clean up trash Saturday morning along the Potomac River and its tributaries, from Fort Frederick State Park in Washington County to the Potomac’s mouth in St

Homeless Head Out Before Dawn For Day-Labor Jobs

WASHINGTON – By 5:30 a

Homeless Trio Protest Round-the-Clock Outside White House

WASHINGTON – Teamwork allows three of the District’s most durable peace activists to protest within yards of the White House in a 24-hour, in-your-face-mister-president vigil

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Passes House Overwhelmingly With Help of Three Marylanders

WASHINGTON – Three of Maryland’s four GOP congressmen Thursday helped the House pass a ban on partial-birth abortions by a veto-proof majority

Changes In Toxic Waste Cleanup Program Could Harm States, Says Md. Official

WASHINGTON – Congress should not force the states to pay for cleaning up the worst toxic waste sites, Maryland’s top environmental official told a House committee