Fracking test drilling could begin in Maryland within a year, said the chair of the House Environmental Matters Committee.
In Calvert County, Combining Households to Save Costs
A single-parent household in Calvert County needs at least $53,000 a year to make ends meet, a new study shows, so some families are teaming up to help cut down on costs, especially as options for federally funded housing dwindle.
Redskins Racial History Leads Some in Washington-Area to Back Cowboys
Many black, Washington-area fans who root for the Redskins’ arch-rival, the Dallas Cowboys, point to the resistance of racist former owner to integrate the team.
Harford Families Need $62,000 to Cover Basic Costs, Study Says
Just five years ago, a Harford County family of one adult, one school-aged child and one preschooler needed an annual income of about $54,000 to make ends meet. That family today would need nearly $62,000, a new study shows.
Map: Cost of Basic Needs for Families in Maryland
Cost of Basic Needs for Families in Maryland
High Costs in Howard May Be Daunting to Young Adults
Howard County has about 8,000 fewer young adults than 10 years ago, according to the U.S. Census. And some officials believe the county’s high living costs may be the reason.
In Frederick County, More Calls for Financial Help
A parent with two young children in Frederick County needs at least $61,000 a year to make ends meet, a new study shows, as local government agencies and charities report a sharp rise in families needing financial help for the first time.
For Some in Talbot, Tough Times Recall the Great Depression
Talbot County, in the middle of the Eastern Shore, occupies the economic middle as well when it comes to getting by in tough economic times.
Chart: Basic Needs Breakdown for Maryland Families
Basic Needs Breakdown for Maryland Families
Washington County Family Needs $54,000 to Cover Basic Costs, Study Says
A parent with two young children needs at least $54,000 in income to get by without government assistance in Washington County, and a family of four needs as much as $68,000, a new study shows. Researchers at the University of Washington School of Social Work based their calculations on the local costs of housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and other essentials in each of Maryland’s counties.