WASHINGTON – Young adults will be able to be covered under their parents’ health insurance until age 26, according to health care reform provisions proposed Tuesday by House Democrats, including Rep
Home Canning’s Resurgence Means Fresh Maryland Tomatoes Year Round
UPPER MARLBORO – When Kiva Slade makes biscuits for her family on Saturday mornings in January, she has fruit from a nearby farm to spread on top — despite the fact that she lives in Upper Marlboro and it’s freezing outside
Md. Health Care Delivery Remains Steady, Study Says
WASHINGTON – Maryland’s health care delivery system slipped a notch since 2007, according to a foundation study to be released today, in part because Maryland’s performance declined in some areas and in part because other states improved
Study: Disparities in Health Care Cost U.S. Trillions
WASHINGTON – Maryland lawmakers underscored the urgency of equitable health care reform on Capitol Hill Tuesday, drawing attention to a new report by the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University that highlights the economic burden of discriminatory health care practices
Obama Chooses NIH to Announce Recovery Act Research Spending
BETHESDA – President Obama announced Thursday that the National Institutes of Health is halfway through awarding its portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 fund, calling the grants the “single largest boost to biomedical research in history
Despite Cuts, Layoffs Local Health Departments Ready for H1N1 Flu
WASHINGTON – County health officials say they are prepared for the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic despite layoffs and service cuts necessitated by the state budget shortfall, but they remain worried about the effects on other programs
From Grass to Water, Bay Experts Differ on Meaning of ‘Clean’
WASHINGTON – After the rain, Baltimore’s Inner Harbor is clogged with an eclectic combination of garbage — soda bottles and a large purple ball, sticks and dirt, candy wrappers and a hollowed-out television
Biden Reassures Seniors About Medicare Under Obama Health Reform
SILVER SPRING – Vice President Joseph Biden sought to allay the fears of seniors Wednesday, assuring them that their Medicare benefits are safe — and will be stronger — under the administration’s health care reform plan
Biden Calls For Health Insurance Company ‘Ground Rules’
NATIONAL HARBOR – As part of a two-day effort in Maryland to sell President Obama’s health care plan, Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday told the National Association of Insurance Commissioners basic “ground rules” are needed for insurance companies
Poll Finds Marylanders Concerned About the Economy and the State’s Budget Deficit
ANNAPOLIS – The weak economy and the resulting budget deficit remain the most pressing concerns facing the state and solutions might require sacrifices Marylanders don’t support, according to a statewide poll released on Tuesday by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies