Fuel program for poor facing strains.

ANNAPOLIS – Spiraling fuel costs could hit low income Marylanders hard this winter

Maryland Catholics Greet, Gripe About, Selection of Next Pope

WASHINGTON – Maryland Catholics reacted strongly — but not always cheerfully — to the news Tuesday that conservative Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger will succeed Pope John Paul II

Maryland Catholics Pray for Pope John Paul II, Reflect on His Visit and Legacy

WASHINGTON – Even after 10 years, Ramon Ranco says it is still hard to believe he actually dined with Pope John Paul II

Navy Plan to Resume Bombing Practice in Lower Bay Worries Lawmakers

Eastern Shore lawmakers expressed deep concern Friday over a Navy plan to resume bombing and strafing runs on the Bloodsworth Island Range in the lower Chesapeake Bay

President’s Plans for Social Security Divide Maryland Lawmakers

WASHINGTON – President Bush’s call for Social Security reform drew the only audible grumbling during his State of the Union address Wednesday — grumbling that was echoed by members of Maryland’s Democratic delegation

Snow Can’t Stop Inaugural Concert or Dampen Spirits of Giddy Spectators

WASHINGTON – Melissa Newberry came to the Celebration of Freedom on the Ellipse on Wednesday evening with cheers for President Bush, a photograph of her nephew in uniform pinned to her coat — and heating pads for her shoes

GOP Caucus Backpedals on Special Session Call

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s House Republican Caucus Tuesday called for a special session on the medical malpractice problem, but ended up deflecting questions on an e-mail order from GOP Gov

Diebold Accuses Critics of Monkey Business in Latest Vote-Tampering Stunt

Critics of the Diebold touch-screen voting machines turned their attention Wednesday from the machines themselves to the computers that will tally the final vote, saying the outcome is so easy to manipulate that even a monkey could do it