Senate Moves to Grab Budget Powers

ANNAPOLIS – The Senate gave preliminary approval to a constitutional amendment that would curb the governor’s vast budget power by allowing the General Assembly to move funds within the budget, as long as total spending does not increase

Poor May Bear Brunt of Taxes Or Fees


Democrats Advocate ‘Millionaire’s Tax’

ANNAPOLIS – Some Democratic lawmakers are pushing for higher taxes on wealthy Marylanders to solve the state’s budget problems, but opponents warned Wednesday the tax hikes could drive entrepreneurs to neighboring states

Dems Charge Ehrlich’s Fees are Disguised Taxes

ANNAPOLIS – State agency officials’ justifications for raising a host of user fees failed to convince Democratic lawmakers, who warned they will reject the proposals if Gov

Bill Attempts to Rein in BPW Budget Authority

ANNAPOLIS – Decrying what they say has become a “super-legislature,” some lawmakers want to curb the Board of Public Works’ authority to cut budgets approved by the General Assembly

Businesses Decry Proposed Sales Tax Hike

ANNAPOLIS – Increasing the state’s sales tax would deal a serious blow to Maryland businesses by driving more shoppers to out-of-state and Internet retailers, business groups told legislators Wednesday

Delmarva Officials Move Quickly to Rein in Avian Flu Outbreak

WASHINGTON – Agriculture officials moved Wednesday to keep access to Maryland farms at a minimum, in an effort to keep the bird flu that broke out on two Delaware farms in the last week from spreading

Budget Cuts Prompt Local Officials’ Call For Restaurant, Car Rental Taxes

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s mayors said Thursday they’ll be forced to increase taxes and cut spending on roads, parks and police without wholesale changes to Gov

Lawmakers Seek to Grab Some of Governor’s Budget Powers

ANNAPOLIS – A group of lawmakers wants to curb the governor’s vast budget power and is proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the General Assembly to move funds within the budget