ANNAPOLIS – Wilson Bridge construction costs are not as likely to break the state’s transportation budget after the winning bid for the most difficult section of the bridge in the second round of bidding was only $18 million over estimates, according to the state transportation secretary
State Merchants Expect Low Prices, Promotions to Bring 2% Sales Increase
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland merchants, responding to cautious consumers and a shortened shopping season, are expecting holiday sales to rise a scant 2 percent over 2001, according to a Maryland Retailers Association survey released Tuesday
Committee Sets State Spending Level
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland legislative staff presented a key budget committee with a bleak financial picture Tuesday night, but they’d already expected the worst
Auto Sales Hit Skids After Record Year
ANNAPOLIS – Stuart Brooks, a Baltimore auto dealer, has had an incredible year, riding the boom in car sales that have made Altimas, Cavaliers and Impalas zoom out of showroom floors
Prison Officials Fear Lurking Crisis in Hepatitis C Infection Among Inmates
WASHINGTON – Maryland prison and health officials say a looming hepatitis C epidemic will be a bigger, and potentially more expensive, health crisis than HIV and AIDS, but they still do not have a comprehensive policy in place to address it
Elections Leave State House Leadership Vacuum
ANNAPOLIS – When the Maryland General Assembly convenes in January, it likely will be with a new speaker of the House of Delegates and a new complement of Senate committee chairmen
Republicans Hope to Ride Ehrlich Coattails to State House Victories
ANNAPOLIS – Even if Republican U
September’s Jobless Rate Falls as Autumn Work Begins
ANNAPOLIS – Returning teachers and road construction workers helped offset the exit of seasonal workers to drive Maryland’s unemployment rate down for the sixth straight month
Republican Leaders Call for Special Session on Deficit
ANNAPOLIS – Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Ehrlich and state GOP leaders pressed Democratic leaders Wednesday for a special General Assembly session to tackle the state’s projected $1