WASHINGTON – Maryland had the second-highest percentage of HIV-positive prisoners in the country in 2000 and the problem is growing, according a recent U
State Refuses Republican Absentee Ballot Application
ANNAPOLIS – As many as 9,000 Republican voters have been forced to reapply for absentee ballots because the pre-printed applications sent by the state party did not meet Maryland State Board of Elections requirements, according to the Maryland Republican Party
Decision-Making Authority At Stake in Ballot Questions
ANNAPOLIS – When state voters head to the polls Nov
Wynn Looks Past Perennial 4th District Challenger, Helps Out Other Campaigns
WASHINGTON – In the parking lot of small strip mall that serves as campaign headquarters for Rep
Sniper Saga Comes to Apparent End, But Suburban Maryland Residents Still Edgy
WASHINGTON – Business has been slow this year at Gene’s Costumes in Kensington, a situation that store owner Ginger Ager hopes will turn around now that police have arrested two suspects in connection with the sniper case
Skittish Companies Turn to Temps; Md. Economy Wins
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s stuttering economy has left many businesses in the state struggling to stay afloat, but the past few months have been a boon to staffing agencies, which report growing demand for their temporary help by companies still uncertain about a turnaround
Polls Show Nationally Watched 8th, 2nd District Races Still Too Close to Call
WASHINGTON – After millions of dollars and weeks of intensive campaigning, the candidates Maryland’s 2nd and 8th congressional district are still separated by only razor-thin margins, according to a poll released Tuesday