Sept. 11 Events Dominate Md. General Assembly Opening

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland General Assembly opened as scheduled Wednesday, but the session had a morning-after feeling — more like Sept

Education Funding Tops Curry’s Legislative Agenda

ANNAPOLIS – Finding money for struggling schools topped Prince George’s County Executive Wayne K

Maryland Businesses, Postal Facilities to be Tested for Anthrax Contamination

Inspectors fanned out across Maryland Wednesday to test businesses and postal facilities for the presence of anthrax, after mail was rerouted to the state from a contaminated District facility

Maryland Congressional Delegation Welcomes Bush’s Call for Resolve, Unity

WASHINGTON – Maryland lawmakers lauded President Bush’s call Thursday for “resolve and determination” in the long fight against terrorists and their sponsor states

Dulles, BWI Reopen After Terrorist Attacks

ANNAPOLIS – Mary Wood, a veterinary librarian from Davis, Calif

A Subdued Capitol Hill Goes Back to Work After Terrorist Attacks

WASHINGTON – Congressional offices were fully staffed Wednesday but an empty silence hung over the Capitol, as official Washington struggled with the business of running the nation a day after one of the worst terrorist attacks in history

Donors Wait Hours to Give Blood, Officials Worry About Waning Interest

WASHINGTON – Steve Weiner, 17, had never donated blood before

Attacks Close Maryland Schools; Officials Plan Normal Wednesday

ANNAPOLIS – Cars crowded streets outside St

Some Maryland Schools Close, Some Close Early as Students Learn of Attacks

ANNAPOLIS – Cars crowded streets outside St

Travel Gridlock Strikes Region in Wake of Airplane Attacks

ANNAPOLIS – The three largest airports in the Washington area closed until late this morning, traffic snarled as government offices shut down and Metro trains skirted the heavily damaged Pentagon in the wake of apparent terrorist airplane attacks in the region and New York City