WASHINGTON – With the chance to take liberal leave in the face of Hurricane Floyd, many state and federal government workers apparently got up and went to work anyway Thursday
Capitol Tourists Brave Weather that Chased Off Half of Congress
WASHINGTON – Dripping-wet tourists trudged through the slippery halls of the Capitol on Thursday, seemingly unconcerned about the looming hurricane that sent many members of the House scurrying home
Couple’s Hobby Helps Bring a Hamlet on the National Road Back to Life
CLEAR SPRING – Along most of Route 40 west of Hagerstown, the 20th century has made its presence felt
Former Senator Looks Back on Congress and Doesn’t Like What He Sees
WASHINGTON – Charles “Mac” Mathias will soon return to the Capitol — but not to rejoin a Congress that the former senator from Maryland sees as increasingly contentious
Appeals Court Upholds Conviction in Real Estate Credit Card Fraud Scheme
A federal appeals court upheld the convictions and sentences of a former Burtonsville real estate agent and his accomplice, who used private information about clients to fraudulently obtain credit cards
Maryland ‘Smart Growth’ Pushed to Congressional Task Force
WASHINGTON – A state official said Wednesday that the federal government can help states enact “Smart Growth” initiatives like Maryland’s, which are aimed at keeping sprawl from consuming all of the state’s undeveloped land
Counties Snap Up Teacher Funds, Even Though Hiring Teachers Is No Snap
WASHINGTON – While school officials welcome the $17
Lone Woman Toughs Out Prison Boot Camp With Hundreds of Men
JESSUP – Officially, the Herman L