Data Stories

Students in the Data Lab develop innovative data-driven web applications, interactive graphics and in-depth web projects. They serve as lead producers for CNS’ destination website and help test innovative new ideas to advance the practice of journalism.

Maryland cities surpass national average of mail-in ballots in local elections

While mail-in votes increased during this year’s elections, voter turnout did not see a significant change.

Maryland residents submit most telemarketing call, robocall complaints to FTC per capita

During the 2021 fiscal year, Maryland residents submitted the most complaints to the Federal Trade Commission per 100,000 people regarding telemarketing sales calls and robocalls, according to recent data released by the FTC.

Somerset County Public School has seen “alarming” total positive COVID-19 cases since the start of the school year

Somerset County Public Schools have had high rates of total positive COVID-19 cases, with about 7% of the total population among students testing positive since August 2021. Within Eastern Shore counties, Somerset County has the lowest vaccination rate and highest poverty rate. Somerset County also has the highest population percentage of Black people among Eastern Shore Counties.

Bike infrastructure will help prevent crashes and fatalities, advocates and researchers say

There are 2,000 miles of road in Baltimore City. Only 10 of those miles include separated bike infrastructure that divides the road into distinct lanes for cars and bikes.

Data shows Maryland General Assembly is becoming more representative of state

The Maryland General Assembly is starting to become a leader in state to Legislature representation. However, there is still work to be done.

Tracking air travel: See how many people are flying this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving air travel is expected to rebound to pre-pandemic levels. Use our tracker to see how many people are flying in real time.

Goucher Poll results are in. Take our quiz to see where you stand.

Goucher College released its latest poll results, with survey questions that touched on COVID-19, abortion and other hot-button topics. See how your opinions compare to the Maryland general public in our quiz.

Anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion providers in Maryland 2 to 1

Researchers say patients may leave their offices knowing less about their pregnancy than when they walked in.

Initiatives take on the challenge of cleaning the Baltimore Harbor, but problems run deep

Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore has been working the past 10 years to clean up the Baltimore Harbor. By collecting trash and eliminating plastic waste, the city and the partnership have made progress in making the Harbor more recreational. However, issues like sewage and excess nutrients put a damper on having a fully swimmable and fishable Harbor.

Maryland is seeing an increase in precipitation, sea level and flooding

The Capital News Service Digital Bureau analyzed data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, finding an increase of precipitation in the state of Maryland over the last two decades.