Across the nation, police will be cracking down on texting and driving in honor of Distracted Driving Awareness Month. At RFK stadium in Washington, volunteer drivers demonstrated the dangers being distracted behind the wheel.
Volunteer Easter bunny is a family tradition at Md. School for the Blind
At the Maryland school for the Blind’s traditional beeping Easter egg hunt, the role of Easter Bunny is a long-standing family tradition.
Major Power Outage Closes Maryland Campus
An explosion at a Southern Maryland power facility caused power outages that spread from the power facility to the White House and the College Park campus of the University of Maryland.
U.S. Postal Service Inspires Kids to Write
April is National Card and Letter Writing month. The United States Postal Service celebrated by issuing a new Forever stamp inspiring kids at the Friendship Public Charter School in D.C. to personalize their heart-felt messages.
Washington Nationals Renovate Nationals Park
The Nationals are commemorating their 10-year anniversary with renovations to Nationals Park that will appeal to both fans and players.
Regional Leaders Launch the Street Smart Campaign
COLLEGE PARK – Spring is officially here and so is the spring Street Smart Campaign. Law enforcement officials will be on the lookout to ensure that traffic safety laws are followed.
Girls Conquer The World of Technology
A five-member all girl team of a Howard County middle school wins “Best in Nation” in Verizon’s “Innovative App Challenge.”
PAVE Helps Teens Deal with Sexual Abuse
PAVE (Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment) is a non-profit founded by Angela Rose to help high schoolers overcome and speak out on sexual abuse.