The historic senate chamber in which George Washington resigned as Commander in Chief has been restored. The arrangement of the furniture reflects the way the room looked on December 23, 1783 according to carefully researched protocols for important Congressional events in the late 18th century.
Weather Map: A New Map to Help Combat Climate Change
There’s a push underway to get the state to move quickly to adopt regulations to slow down the impact of climate change and supporters are hoping a new map showing the impact of severe weather on Maryland will help the battle.
Maryland State Highway Administration Prepares For A Stormy Winter
The Maryland State Highway Administration is gearing up to be certain they’re ready to roll along the state’s 17-thousand lane miles when the weather turns rough this coming winter.
University of Maryland students stand in solidarity with student activists around the country
Around 100 University of Maryland students stood in solidarity with student activists around the country in the new Frederick Douglass Square on campus, calling for more efforts to improve racial diversity.
Baltimore Business Prepares to Help Community
A booming Baltimore business is giving back to the community.
VETERANS CITIZENSHIP: 19 People Become U.S. Citizens Aboard the USS Torsk
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services holds a special Veterans Day naturalization ceremony aboard the USS Torsk in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
SOCCERGATE PROBE: Citizens call for investigation into Pepco deal
A group of citizen activists gathered at the future site of the new D.C. United Stadium demanding an ethics investigation into D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s role in a $6.8 million merger between Pepco and Exelon.
Howard County Creates Way to Dispose of Old American Flags
If you want to dispose of an old American flag properly, all you have to do is bring it to the dump. Howard County has become the first jurisdiction in Maryland to offer a flag retirement program. It’s the result of a joint project between the County and a local American Legion Post.
Operation Homecoming aims to eliminate veteran homelessness in Montgomery County by 2016
The Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless is on a mission:to house all homeless veterans identified in Montgomery County by the end of 2015.