ANNAPOLIS – State lawmakers are asking for $150,000 to help build a new environmental education center at Flag Ponds Nature Park in Calvert County
Prince George’s County Delegation Rallies Behind School Funding, Transportation Requests
ANNAPOLIS – The Prince George’s County General Assembly delegation wants state funding for a glitzy new Potomac River development and another $44 million for school construction – requests that the county is finally unified behind, said Sen
Montgomery County Wants General Assembly to Grant $50 Million for Schools
ANNAPOLIS – Montgomery County went to the opening day of the Maryland General Assembly Wednesday gunning for its share of the expected $925 million surplus in the state budget, specifically $50 million for school construction
Protesters Rally to Urge Legislators to Stop Police Brutality
ANNAPOLIS – As the Maryland General Assembly gaveled in the new session Wednesday, police brutality protestors rallied outside the Statehouse to support a bill to create a special prosecutor to probe law enforcement abuse
Maryland Schools Get Mixed Report Card in National Study
WASHINGTON – Maryland aced the test for school standards and accountability but received an F for school climate in a study released Wednesday by a national education magazine
Eastern Shore Delegation Presents United Front in 2000 General Assembly
ANNAPOLIS – The Eastern Shore delegation is united for strength and has a plan for the Maryland General Assembly’s 2000 session: pass legislation against open bay dumping, battle Maryland Gov
New Environmental Concerns Delay Report on Dumping in Chesapeake
WASHINGTON – New environmental concerns about a proposed Chesapeake Bay dredge dumping site “give me pause” and will require another six months of study, a U
Southern Maryland Lawmakers Seek Piece of State Budget Surplus
ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland legislators hope to claim a piece of the state’s $925 million surplus for education because their region’s population is rapidly increasing
Minority Enrollment Up Sharply on State’s College Campuses
WASHINGTON – Minority enrollment at Maryland’s public colleges has risen from 20 percent to almost 32 percent since 1983, reflecting the growth of the state’s minority population and the increasing success of those groups in high school