WASHINGTON – Ted Chwastyk spends weeks leaning out of a bucket truck 40 or more feet in the air at this time of year, in sometimes bitterly cold weather
Lawmakers Revising Ethics Guidelines for Start of Session
ANNAPOLIS – A legislative committee is revising a host of opinions on ethics in time for lawmakers to use them as guidelines for the upcoming session
Cecil County’s Tradition of Border-Hopping Brides Lives On, Leads State
WASHINGTON – Crossing the border into Maryland to get married is hardly a new trend: Cecil County was the place to elope in the first half of the century, and it still issues the vast majority of its marriage licenses to out-of-state couples
Maryland’s Lax Marriage Law Lures Kissing Cousins Looking to Go Legit
WASHINGTON – Did you hear the one about the West Virginia cousins who married each other? Turns out that jokes like that may be on Maryland
Character Education Puts Values in Vogue
ANNAPOLIS – In the math classes of Baltimore County’s “character education” elementary schools, students learn about sharing and subtraction at the same time
State’s New Highway Chemicals Melt Snow, Ignite Controversy
WASHINGTON – Maryland highway officials are armed with new snow-melting technology to fight the forces of Mother Nature this winter, but the chemicals they plan to use may cause more of a stir than the weather itself
Maryland One of Few States to Meet a National Schools Goal, Report Says
WASHINGTON – Maryland was one of only a handful of states to exceed a national school standard, leading the country in high school graduation rates, according to a report Thursday from the National Education Goals Panel
Senator Wants Patients to Know When Medical Devices Are Reused
ANNAPOLIS – Curbside recycling and phone book collection points are becoming more common, but medical device reuse is one recycling program that may come as a surprise, especially because many of the devices are labeled “For single-use only
Brothers Plead Guilty for Role in 1997 Bowie High School Cross Burning
WASHINGTON – Two brothers pleaded guilty to civil rights violations in federal court Wednesday for their part in a 1997 cross burning at Bowie High School, the U
When To Say When? Ask A Computer
BALTIMORE – A computer program that tells drinkers when their blood alcohol concentration is past the legal limit was showcased Thursday when a national alcohol awareness group set up shop in the Inner Harbor