
Animal Abusers Targeted as Felons

WASHINGTON – Some Maryland lawmakers want to turn cockfighters and others who violate animal cruelty laws into felons

Court Says Ex-Husband Cannot Use Tax Law to Avoid Divorce Payment

A federal appeals court has ordered a Maryland man to pay his ex-wife an additional $35,961 from his pension plan, rejecting his argument that federal tax law prohibits him from doing so

Lawmakers consider reforming sexual offender laws

ANNAPOLIS – Lawmakers considered several proposals to fight sexual crime Tuesday, including posting the names of sexual predators on the Internet, protecting community associations that announce when offenders move into the neighborhood and preventing police from making rape victims take lie detector tests

Bill Attempts to Curb Maryland’s High Chlamydia Rate

ANNAPOLIS – Syphilis and gonorrhea aren’t the only sexually transmitted diseases Marylanders need to worry about

Maryland Lawmakers Hope to Put Impeachment Behind Them

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s senators voted Friday to acquit President Clinton of all articles of impeachment, saying they disapproved of his behavior but did not believe he should be removed from office

Army Corps Gives Preliminary OK to Dumping Site Off Kent Island

WASHINGTON – The Army Corps of Engineers said Friday that it could find only “short- term and localized” negative environmental impacts from a plan to dump dredge spoils along a four-mile stretch of bay off of Kent Island

Internet Ethics Requirements Worry Legislators

ANNAPOLIS- Some legislators are protesting plans to put their financial records on the Internet, citing concerns that web surfers’ findings may invade lawmakers’ privacy

Greatest Presidents Wind Up With the Least of Holidays

WASHINGTON – The Washington Monument is closed

Maryland Patients Face Longer Waiting Times for Organ Transplants

WASHINGTON – Patients in need of organ transplants face a longer wait in Maryland than in many parts of the nation, including nearby mid-Atlantic states, according to a recent report for the Department of Health and Human Services

Policy Hits Home for Kidney Patients Whose Lives Hang in the Balance

WASHINGTON – Sally Roberts Mayer and Stanley Mazur are in a race for their lives — a race for which they mostly have to sit and wait