
Snyder Sure To Be a Change for Skins Fans

BETHESDA-In a world of big-game hunters, Daniel M

Dispute Rages Over Value of New Baseball Park in Hagerstown

HAGERSTOWN – City officials are afraid they will lose their minor league baseball team, the Hagerstown Suns, if they don’t build a new stadium, but commissioners in debt- ridden Washington County are skeptical of the $10 million project

Internet Sites Help Local Florists

ANNAPOLIS The surge of Internet buying has swept up Valentine’s Day shoppers, and many Maryland florists say they must log on or get left behind

Backers Say Bill Will Help Stop School Violence

ANNAPOLIS Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan, several Montgomery County delegation members, other county officials and police agencies sent a clear message Thursday threats and acts of violence will not be tolerated in Maryland schools

“Unbankables” Keep Treasury From Meeting Direct Deposit Deadline

WASHINGTON – More than a month after it was supposed to be making all federal benefits payments by direct deposit, the federal government is still making almost one-third of those payments with paper checks

Burning Chicken Manure Has Some Environmentalists Concerned

ANNAPOLIS Environmentalists have some reservations about plans to burn chicken manure as fuel for power plants ironically an effort promoted to help with a different environmental problem, the fish-killing disease Pfiesteria piscicida

House Bill Would Exempt Amish From Some Child Labor Laws

WASHINGTON – A House committee approved a bill Wednesday to exempt Amish teen-agers from a portion of federal child labor law, a move that could help Maryland’s Amish families protect their threatened way of life

Across Campus, Enthusiasm for Clinton’s Visit is Mixed

COLLEGE PARK – Tickets for President Clinton’s visit Wednesday to the University of Maryland reportedly “went like hotcakes

Schaefer Asks Why Brookeville Bypass Was Bounced

ANNAPOLIS Comptroller William Donald Schaefer demanded to know why plans for a bypass road in Brookeville were rejected and said he plans to visit the town himself to learn more about the situation

Clinton Calls on Cheering Students to Step Up For AmeriCorps

COLLEGE PARK – President Clinton called on a cheering University of Maryland crowd Wednesday to join in national service and help recruit more than 50,000 volunteers for the AmeriCorps program next year