
Push to Drop `Provisional’ Teachers Could Leave State Short

WASHINGTON – President Clinton wants them gone within five years

Anti-Abortion Internet Site Turns Focus on Maryland Doctors

WASHINGTON – Abortion-rights supporters in Maryland had little time last week to celebrate a $107 million Oregon verdict against an anti-abortion web site that has now turned its focus on doctors here

Infrequent Hospice Inspections Miss Disturbing Problems

ANNAPOLIS State inspectors visiting hospice programs have uncovered long-standing and serious problems that the current 10-year inspection cycle allows to continue for too long, the licensing director of the state health department told the General Assembly this week

Legislators, Retailers Seek Tax-Free Week

ANNAPOLIS- Back-to-school clothes may be five percent cheaper next year if some legislators win General Assembly approval for a bill creating a sales tax-free week in Maryland

White House Wants to Attach Strings to State Tobacco Settlement Funds

WASHINGTON – The White House will not relinquish its claim to a portion of the states’ $246 billion tobacco settlement unless the states agree to use the money for public health and anti-smoking programs

Scientists Fear Japanese Snail Could Hit Bay’s Oyster Industry

WASHINGTON – A predatory snail that was discovered in the lower Chesapeake Bay last year might cause trouble for the oyster and hard-shell clam industry in Maryland, some marine officials said

Maryland Farms Produce More as Fields, Workforce Shrink

WASHINGTON Maryland farm sales rose to $1

Environmentalists Criticize Maryland Mercury Warnings

BALTIMORE – Maryland ranks near the bottom of 46 states surveyed for inadequate warnings of mercury contamination in fish, according to a report released Wednesday by two non-profit environmental groups

Carroll Lawmakers to Ask for $28.5 million

ANNAPOLIS – Carroll County lawmakers voted Tuesday night to ask the Maryland Assembly for $28

Maryland Firm Targeted in National Credit Scam Crackdown

WASHINGTON – Federal officials announced a crackdown on 43 businesses – including one in Maryland – that offer to clean up bad credit histories by helping people get taxpayer ID numbers that can be used as fake Social Security numbers