
Completion of Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Other State Projects, Funded

WASHINGTON – While bulldozers rumbled in front of them, Maryland congressmen patted themselves on the back Wednesday for securing the funds to finish the Baltimore-Washington Parkway construction under budget and ahead of schedule


Since Glendening and GOP nominee Ellen R

House Incumbents Flush With Cash for Campaign Stretch Run

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s congressional incumbents have a total of $2

Governor Candidates Differ on College Scholarships, Teacher Certification

ANNAPOLIS – Poll after poll reveal the same thing: Education is the top issue on voters’ minds this year

Environmentalists Line Up Behind Glendening, But Issue May Not Be Big With Voters

ANNAPOLIS – Many environmental advocates say Parris N

Race Turns on Who’s in Tune with Conservative 6th District

WASHINGTON – Timothy McCown has no entourage of aides and advisers in his bid for Maryland’s 6th District congressional seat

First-time Candidate Faces Long Odds in Race Against Cardin

WASHINGTON – Colin Harby was sitting in a bar in Alexandria, Va