ANNAPOLIS – The House rejected a plan Wednesday that would have had the state pay for extraordinary costs of Prince George’s County school construction, putting the settlement of a desegregation lawsuit against the county in jeopardy
Once-Dead Dairy Compact Bill Gets Second Chance in Senate
ANNAPOLIS – A bill that would let Maryland dairy farmers set a minimum price for milk could be revived Wednesday by the same Senate committee that appeared to have killed it last month
House Threatens to Derail Electric Deregulation Proposal
ANNAPOLIS – House leaders are threatening to kill a last- minute Senate proposal that would set a timetable for electric utility deregulation in Maryland
Lawmakers Approve Multiracial ID for State Forms
ANNAPOLIS – Marylanders of mixed ancestry may no longer have to mark “other” or settle for just one racial category when filling out state forms
Prince George’s Executive Pleads for School Funding Deal
ANNAPOLIS – Prince George’s County Executive Wayne Curry made a personal appeal Tuesday for a generous state funding formula that would let the county build 16 new schools and get out from under a court’s desegregation order
Court Says “For Sale” Sign No Invitation to Trespassers
ANNAPOLIS – A for-sale sign is not an “invitation to come onto the property” and trespassers should not expect to collect damages if they are injured during unsanctioned visits, the Court of Special Appeals ruled Tuesday
Court Rules Police Stops in High-Crime Areas Are Illegal
ANNAPOLIS – The Court of Special Appeals ruled Friday that police cannot stop a person just for being in a high-crime area
Arkansas Murders Stir Maryland Debate Over Juvenile Criminals
ANNAPOLIS – Two boys, 11 and 13 years old, go on a shooting rampage at their middle school, killing four classmates and a teacher
Maryland’s Rate of State-Funded Abortions Dwarfs Nearby States
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland spent at least four times more on abortions in 1996 than all of its neighbors combined, according to figures supplied by state and Washington, D
Explosive Growth of Homeowners Association Fuels Debate
ANNAPOLIS – Explosive growth of community associations is adding fuel to the debate over the state’s role in regulating the privately run — some say autocratic — quasi-governments