ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Special Appeals said a Prince George’s County man who shot and killed a friend in a 1995 argument cannot claim that he was acting to protect others nearby
Victims of Crime Demand Their Right to be Heard
ANNAPOLIS – Tom Patterson’s 2-year-old daughter was killed in a 1994 car crash, but his pain did not end there
Eastport Ends “Secession” From Annapolis With Bridge Reopening
ANNAPOLIS – The Maritime Republic of Eastport “rejoined” Annapolis Friday, ending its fictional secession from the city with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the bridge linking the two communities
House Bill Devised to Help Disabled Could Disrupt Hyatt Project
ANNAPOLIS – A Dorchester County official is worried that a House bill urging companies to hire disabled people could interfere with Hyatt Hotels’ plans for a $152 million resort in Cambridge
20 Years Without Parole Ruled Too Harsh for Drug Dealer
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals ruled Friday that a sentence of 20 years without parole was too harsh for a man caught with 209 grams of crack cocaine
Telecommuting Makes Life Easier for Waynesboro Mom
ANNAPOLIS – Maryann Killian can help her son get ready for school in the morning
Telecommuting Centers Scramble As Funding Deadline Nears
ANNAPOLIS – Telework centers that have shortened the commute for hundreds of Maryland workers will begin losing their federal subsidies this year, sending the centers scrambling for funds to survive
Bill Would Cut Benefits to Intoxicated Workers
ANNAPOLIS – A proposal to deny workers’ compensation to employees who were drunk or on drugs when they were hurt on the job was attacked Thursday as “an attempt to deny benefits to workers in Maryland
Proposal to Fingerprint Welfare Recipients Raises Eyebrows
ANNAPOLIS – A Maryland lawmaker who wants to fingerprint welfare recipients said the program could ultimately save the state $15 million a year in welfare fraud