ANNAPOLIS – Bounty hunter Steven Engelman has retrieved bail jumpers accused of everything from theft to murder, but he said he has never had to use his gun to bring his man in
Woman Unwillingly Bequeaths Estate to Brother
ANNAPOLIS – About the only thing Margaret Binco’s four wills had in common was that none listed her brother as a beneficiary
Centuries-Old Adultery Law Will Not be Tinkered With
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s centuries-old adultery law appears to be safe for now, as lawmakers have passed on a proposal to modernize it
High court gives stamp of approval to helmet law
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld a law requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets, saying the state’s failure to publish a list of approved helmets does not invalidate the law
Hundreds of Farmers to Rally Against Glendening Pfiesteria Plan
ANNAPOLIS – Farm groups will bus hundreds of their members to Annapolis on Wednesday and unleash them on lawmakers considering new rules to prevent another pfiesteria outbreak in the Chesapeake Bay
Scholarship Aims to Nurture Home-Grown Scientists
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland could be losing out on as much as $1 billion in high-tech salaries each year and state officials are looking for a way to recover that potential tax base
Sexual Assaults Fall Slightly on Maryland College Campuses
BALTIMORE – Sexual assaults dropped slightly on the state’s public college campuses in the last school year, falling from 21 to 16 reported cases
Estranged Parents Battle Over Dead Child’s Estate
ANNAPOLIS – A Mitchellville woman is fighting to keep her dead son’s $8 million estate from the boy’s father, who she said failed to make any support payments while the child was alive
Klan’s Numbers Flagging in Maryland, Officials Say
ANNAPOLIS – Organizers of Saturday’s Ku Klux Klan rally in Annapolis have a permit for 60 people, but groups that monitor the KKK said there probably aren’t that many Klansmen in the state