
Maryland Democrats Put Brave Front on Lewinsky Fallout

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Democrats insist that the latest White House sex scandal will not harm them in November, but they still appear defensive about the issue and anxious that Republicans will try to use it against them

Fears of El Nino Melt in the Face of Warm Winter Weather

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland is wrapping up one of the warmest Januaries in a century, which gave highway crews a break and sent ski resort snow machines into overdrive

College Newspapers Grapple With Coverage of Lewinsky Affair

On campuses across the country, the Monica Lewinsky affair is forcing college newspapers to grapple with coverage of what is alternately described as “the story of our lives” and “American journalism at its worst

Bill Mandating Potato Famine Lessons Passes First Test

ANNAPOLIS – The state Senate gave preliminary approval Thursday to a bill that would require that state public schools teach about the causes and effects of the Irish potato famine of 1845

Bill Would Make It Harder for Abusive Parents to Keep Kids

ANNAPOLIS – Latrena Pixley had already murdered one child when a Montgomery County Circuit judge in December gave her custody of another of her children who was up for adoption

Lawmakers Look to Beef Up HMO Grievance System

ANNAPOLIS – One lawmaker referred to the two state workers responsible for handling a blizzard of complaints against health maintenance organizations as “the dynamic duo

Drive-Through Liquor Stores Targeted


Court Lifts Injunction Against Adult Bookstore

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals on Wednesday lifted a lower court’s injunction that had kept an Annapolis adult bookstore from running peepshows

Appeals Court Lifts Injunction Against Adult Bookstore

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals has lifted an injunction that kept an Annapolis bookstore from operating peep shows

Number of Teens Tried as Adults Triples, More Sanctions Urged

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland lawmakers were urged Wednesday to make sure that youths who are convicted as adults cannot be tried as juveniles again if they are charged with subsequent crimes