
Carroll County Special Education Program Involves Community

WESTMINSTER – The multi-colored beach volleyball came over the net with force and landed on the court – point scored

Bennett Urges Cadets To “Be Better”


USDA Scientists To Study Bacteria In Maryland Chickens

WASHINGTON – Several Eastern Shore poultry farms are opening their doors to federal scientists as part of a nationwide study launched this month to find out the origin of bacteria in chickens

Fed Prosecutors In Md. Prosecute Less Than Half of DEA Cases

WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutors in Maryland declined to prosecute most drug cases referred by the Drug Enforcement Agency last year, a study shows

Over Half of Mikulski Funds From People Come From Out-of-State

WASHINGTON – Republicans hoping to unseat Democratic Sen

State Health Department Preparing To Issue Report

ANNAPOLIS – A Department of Health and Mental Hygiene official told legislators Tuesday that the agency will need another week to issue a report on the unmet needs of the populations it serves

Court of Special Appeals Reverses Evidence Suppression Ruling

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Special Appeals Tuesday reversed an Anne Arundel County court’s decision to suppress evidence – a plastic bag of drugs – dropped by a passenger fleeing the scene of a traffic violation

Chief Judge Bell Promotes Youth Program

BALTIMORE – Chief Judge Robert Bell, Maryland’s highest- ranking judicial officer, played the part of a role model with style

USM Campuses Respond to Lawmakers’ Concerns Over Rising Tuition

Students at Salisbury University receive credit for working at the registrar’s office, food service and other campus departments, giving the university labor production at no cost

Ex-Congressman’s Problems a Puzzle to Friends