TOWSON – In the 1995-’96 school year, 23,647 students were suspended for physically attacking fellow students and 1,697 for attacking teachers, according to the Maryland State Department of Education
University of Md. Defends Privacy of Parking Ticket Records
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals Tuesday sought to determine whether the University of Maryland’s records of on- campus parking violations should be made public like law enforcement records or kept private like educational data
Conservationists Seek Ban on Horseshoe Crab Fishing
ANNAPOLIS – The Mid-Atlantic’s horseshoe crab population, depended upon by the medical testing industry and migrant birds in search of food, may be overfished, leading to a species- threatening decline, says a former Maryland state senator
Sarbanes, Mikulski On Losing End Of Campaign Finance Votes
WASHINGTON – Maryland’s senators were on the losing side of a drive Tuesday to change the way federal candidates raise money
Late Anwar Sadat Honored with Chair, Peace Lecture
COLLEGE PARK – Comparing the tempestuous period before the 1970s Camp David Accords to the current unrest in the Middle East, Israeli President Ezer Weizman Tuesday called upon the leaders of Arab countries to join the long journey started by the late Anwar Sadat
Federal Funds Secured To Restore State Waterways
WASHINGTON – Congress approved millions of dollars to restore vital environmental spots in Maryland, including Ocean City, the Anacostia River and the Chesapeake Bay’s Poplar Island
Court Vacancies Create Delays, Overworked Judges
WASHINGTON – Nearly seven years ago, Congress created four additional seats on the 4th U
Hillary Addresses Child Care Issues
COLLEGE PARK – Calling the military child care system a bright spot, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday it is the answer to improving the quality of child care in America