
Federal Government Works To Close Hispanic Hiring Gap

WASHINGTON – The Clinton administration, concerned about the low numbers of Hispanics in the federal work force, is telling managers to close the hiring gap with new recruitment and retention programs

Rime of the Lonely Mariners Fans

ANNAPOLIS – You would think that looking for diehard Seattle Mariners fans in Maryland’s capital in the middle of the playoffs, especially with the Mariners trailing the O’s 0-2, would be a little like trying to order a cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain at the Camden Yards concessions

Court Rejects NIH Physician’s Lawsuit Against Colleagues

WASHINGTON – The claims of a former top National Institutes of Health cardiologist that four of his colleagues conspired to destroy his reputation was rejected by a federal appeals court

Government Scientist Search For Rare Fish In Chesapeake Bay

The shortnose sturgeon, which have prowled the depths of the Chesapeake Bay since dinosaurs roamed the earth, have been on the verge of extinction for 30 years

Federal Agencies Fail to Correct Poor Performance, Survey Says

WASHINGTON – Federal agencies are slow to correct inadequate employee performance, often failing to fire those who do not improve, according to a survey of federal workers and supervisors

Federal Court Knocks Down Maryland Age Discrimination Suit

A Maryland man’s age and disability discrimination claim against a Chevy Chase technology firm was shot down by the 4th U

Questions Remain Concerning Genetic Information Bills

ANNAPOLIS – Insurers and medical researchers are continuing to express reservations about proposed legislation to ban unauthorized use of a person’s genetic information in Maryland

Md. Tax Credit Offers Incentives To Hire Disabled

ANNAPOLIS – Lee Ann Colbert has worked at the Red Lobster here for the past five years — sorting and rolling silverware, filling salt and pepper shakers and doing light cleaning

EPA: Eastern Shore Watersheds Healthy, Others Have Problems

WASHINGTON – Eastern Shore watersheds rank among the healthiest in the nation while others around Maryland have some water quality problems, the government reported Thursday