
Middle School Students Sail for Whitbread Lesson

ANNAPOLIS – “I want to steer

Poll Shows Support for Cigarette Tax

ANNAPOLIS – An overwhelming majority of Maryland voters support a “substantial increase” in the state cigarette tax, according to results of a poll commissioned by consumer organization Maryland Citizen Action

Maryland Household Incomes on the Rise

WASHINGTON – Household income in Maryland rose last year, moving the state up to No

Many County Juvenile Courts Already Open Their Proceedings

ANNAPOLIS – County officials across Maryland say a new law opening some juvenile court proceedings to the public will have little effect on them, because they already try juveniles in open court as long as the case does not contain sensitive material

Drug Arrests and Seizures From Federal Program On Rise

WASHINGTON – Drug trafficking arrests and seizures in the Washington-Baltimore corridor from a federal anti-drug program rose sharply last year, police officials said Wednesday

Payments To Fed Workers For Injury Compensation Spiral Upward

WASHINGTON – Payments to federal workers injured on the job are ballooning, nearly doubling since 1981, congressional critics said Tuesday

Governor, Safety Advocates Promote New Seat Belt Law

ANNAPOLIS – Howard County Police Officer Matthew Tanis has many difficult memories of telling families that a loved one has died in a car crash, but never thought he’d have that talk with his own wife

Senate Rejects Voucher Plan For DC Students

WASHINGTON – The Senate on Tuesday rejected a plan to allow some Washington elementary and secondary school students to attend school in suburban Maryland and Virginia at government expense

Maryland First To Track Status of Closed Welfare Cases

ANNAPOLIS – Welfare reform has successfully moved Maryland recipients to jobs and independence without harming children and families, according to preliminary results of the nation’s first study in the wake of new federal policies