
Maryland Congressman Comes to Defense of Aberdeen Commander

WASHINGTON – A Maryland congressman is coming to the defense of the top officer at the Army’s scandal-rocked Aberdeen Proving Grounds

Fed Scientists May Get $12 Million for Pfiesteria Research

WASHINGTON – Federal scientists may soon get $12 million to study Pfiesteria-related illnesses in Maryland and six other East Coast states, a congressman said Friday

National Airport To Get New Radar System Sooner Than Planned

WASHINGTON – Faced with mounting criticism over National Airport’s aging radar system, the government said Thursday it will install a new computerized radar system by next June – 2 1/2 years ahead of schedule

Suggestions on Lead Abatement Proposal May Revive Tax Credit

ANNAPOLIS – State housing officials have suggested a cheaper and more efficient version of a lead abatement tax credit proposal that died in the 1997 General Assembly

Nonprofits See High Demand, Low Revenues, Report Says

ANNAPOLIS – Demand for Maryland nonprofit services is ballooning even as private charitable giving in the state lags behind national rates, according to a report released Wednesday at the annual meeting of the Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Congressmen Might Stymie State on Testing

WASHINGTON – When President Clinton in his State of the Union address called for national educational standards, Maryland Gov

2 Montgomery County residents receive presidential nominations

WASHINGTON – Two Montgomery County residents received presidential nominations to positions in the Department of Commerce within two weeks of each other, according to the White House

Contributions to Other Politicians Top Campaign Expenditures

ANNAPOLIS – Politicians may cite the cost of running for office to justify massive money-raising efforts, but a Capital News Service study of two years’ expenditures by General Assembly leadership found that when the lawmakers weren’t giving campaign money to their peers, many were using it for flowers, gifts and rounds of golf

State Campaign Spending Regulations Are Broad

ANNAPOLIS – Can state legislators legally spend campaign money on dues for anything from fraternities to the NRA? Or how about donations to charities and organizations?

Under current regulations, questions of legality and ethics are a gray area