
Editors: This is the fourth in a series of reviews of federal Web sites. Please hold for use Sunday or later.

WASHINGTON – Want to see what Kali the rhinoceros and her new calf are doing?

You don’t have to go to the National Zoological Park to check on them

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Passes House Overwhelmingly With Help of Three Marylanders

WASHINGTON – Three of Maryland’s four GOP congressmen Thursday helped the House pass a ban on partial-birth abortions by a veto-proof majority

Beware of Flu-like Symptoms — They Might Be Something More

BALTIMORE – The kidney-shaped cells of Neisseria meningitidis cling together, seeming to decide as a colony where to attack the body

Comptroller’s Web Site Makes Tax Season Less Taxing

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s comptroller is moving in the left lane of the information superhighway with innovations that are making tax season less taxing

Mikulski, Hoyer Cited By Government Waste Watchdog Group

WASHINGTON – A study released Wednesday criticized two members of the Maryland congressional delegation for adding to the problem of government waste

Bill Introduced to Protect the Battered from Losing Insurance

WASHINGTON – Insurance companies would be barred from denying coverage to victims of domestic violence under a bill introduced Tuesday by Rep

Md. General Assembly of Two Minds on Death Penalty

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland legislators are in engaged in a duel over the death penalty

Bank Fee Bill Clears House Committee

ANNAPOLIS – The House Commerce and Government Matters Committee Friday recommended passage of a bill limiting the amount banks may charge customers who deposit bad checks

Homeless Shelter Activist on Hunger Strike Says Barry Agrees to Fix Roof

WASHINGTON – Terri Bishop expects her month-long hunger strike in front of the mayor’s office to pay off

Note to editors: This is the third in a continuing series on federal government Web sites. Bill Carter can be reached for photos at 202-324-3691.

WASHINGTON – It used to be you’d have to peruse the local post office wall to see who was on the FBI’s infamous “Top 10 Most Wanted” list