WASHINGTON – Forty-two million chickens are inspected each week in the processing plants of the Salisbury-based Perdue Farms – at taxpayer expense
Court Upholds Expulsion of Caroline Co. High School Student
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s Court of Special Appeals Tuesday upheld decisions by the Caroline County Circuit Court and state and local education authorities to expel a sophomore caught using drugs at her high school in October 1994
Lawmakers Propose Banning Tobacco Vending Machines
ANNAPOLIS – Every day, anti-tobacco activists say, 60 Maryland children start smoking
Bill Would Bypass DNR Watermen’s Waiting List
ANNAPOLIS – Wind-worn and rugged, their faces ruddy above white T-shirts, about 25 watermen came to Annapolis Tuesday to testify for a bill they say will help preserve their waning industry
Women’s Caucus Gains Respect, Influence Over 25 Years
ANNAPOLIS – The women of Maryland’s General Assembly have come a long way in a quarter century
Maryland Man Believes Vietnam Memorial Brings Healing
WASHINGTON – When he enlisted in the Army and went off to Vietnam, his friends from Bowie High School didn’t understand
Science Gets Hip At The `Why Files’ Web Site
WASHINGTON – A self-described “myopic and geeky” group of science buffs discovered it can make science hip by using pop culture as a hook
“Tough Warriors” Try To Preserve Southern Maryland Heritage
CALIFORNIA, MD – Citizens in the “Mother County of Maryland,” some of whose ancestry harks back to the 1600s, want their voices heard by government
Talented Students Are Choosing State Colleges, Survey Says
ANNAPOLIS – The highest percentage of talented high school seniors in 17 years is choosing state colleges and universities, according to a new study by the Maryland Higher Education Commission