
County Ordinance Ruled Invalid by Appeals Court

ANNAPOLIS – A 6-year-old St

Clinton’s Balanced Budget Talk Draws Ire of GOP


Democratic Congressmen Applaud Clinton’s Education Proposals

WASHINGTON – Democrats from Baltimore and its suburbs applauded the president’s focus on education in his State of the Union address

Morella, Wynn, Look At Empowerment Zone Idea For District

WASHINGTON – Two local members of Congress said they were glad President Clinton devoted at least one sentence to his plan to revitalize the District during his hour-long State of the Union speech

Man Shoots Woman Then Turns Gun on Himself; Both Critical

WASHINGTON – A Burke woman and an unidentified man were in critical condition Wednesday night following a morning shooting a few blocks from the White House

W. Md. Congressman Questions Price Tag for President’s Plan

WASHINGTON – Republican Rep

Study Finds Steady Diet of “Polluter Pork” in Federal Budget

BALTIMORE – A coalition of environmental and taxpayer groups thinks the government should stop worrying about reforming social programs and take on an even bigger budget drain — corporate welfare

Those Who Change Their Sex Might Get New Birth Certificates

ANNAPOLIS – Jessica Meredith Xavier, 44, had her “re- assignment of sex surgery” in September 1993

Bill Would Make Spousal Abuse Grounds for Immediate Divorce

ANNAPOLIS – A bill brought before the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Tuesday would make abuse one of two reasons a person could file for divorce in the state without a waiting period

Legislators Plan To Reduce Underage Smoking

ANNAPOLIS – The American Cancer Society provided a forum Tuesday for two Maryland lawmakers to launch an attack on underage smoking