WASHINGTON – His late-night show may be down in ratings, but Dave Letterman proved Friday he’s still a favorite with many Washington-area fans
Tuition Progams Help Ease Pain of Paying for College
WASHINGTON – Virginia education officials want to ease the pain of paying for college, and Maryland officials may not be far behind
Vehicle Theft,685
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland soon will start tracking car thieves by high-tech means
Religious Leaders Worry about Providing for The Needy
More than one month after state and federal welfare reforms took effect, leaders of religious organizations still are wondering about how to reach out to the poor in their communities
Hoyer Spends Nearly $6 A Voter To Win Re-election
WASHINGTON – How much does it cost to win a vote in Maryland?
For Democratic Rep
Stadium Funding,735
ANNAPOLIS – State officials are concerned about declining lottery sales, but they are confident the sales slump will not affect the state’s ability to meet its obligation for the new football stadium in Baltimore
Bay Foundation To Launch National Education Effort
ANNAPOLIS – The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is poised to expand its watershed education programs with the launch of a new national environmental education network, thanks to a $2 million grant from Toyota Motor Corporation