WASHINGTON – The medical community is torn over whether marijuana has medical value, agreeing only that the current body of research is scant
DNR Says Hunting Is Best Deer Control Option, Others Disagree
Deer management options available to state officials range from hunting to birth control
Calvert County To Focus on Children and Families in 1997
Calvert County officials have declared 1997 the Year of the Family because some members of the county’s League of Women Voters thought children in their communities were spending too much time on their own
Civic Group Asks Clinton to Help Ease Police-Minority Relations
WASHINGTON – A national civic and civil rights group called on President Clinton Tuesday to help mend relations between police and minority communities
Bay Commission Says Road Signs Will Increase Awareness
ANNAPOLIS – The Chesapeake Bay Commission is making sure travelers on the major highways to Ocean City get a geography and environmental lesson with new road signs marking the boundaries of the bay watershed
Organization plates popular with Maryland Drivers
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland drivers have almost 300 ways to tell others about their interests without ever saying a word
When Wintry Weather Puts Hands in Pockets, Out Comes?
With the season’s first cold snap, Marylanders reached for their heavy coats this week, knocked off the lint, and discovered surprises — pleasant and not — tucked deep in woolly pockets