A University of Maryland System Board of Regents panel gave initial approval Thursday to a plan that slightly increases room and board costs at most system institutions next year
Court of Appeals Affirms Use of DNA Evidence in Rape Conviction
ANNAPOLIS – In a 6-1 ruling, the Maryland Court of Appeals Wednesday upheld the admissibility of DNA evidence and the statistical measures used in the science of matching criminals with crime scenes
Md. Congressional Delegation Split on Product Liability Reform
WASHINGTON – Maryland’s congressional delegation is splitting along party lines on a bill that would limit damage awards in cases involving defective products
House Panel Says NIH Not Responsible for Contaminations
WASHINGTON – The National Institutes of Health was not responsible for the radioactive contamination of 27 people last June, a congressional panel said Thursday
Transportation Secretary Considers Privatization and New Tolls
WASHINGTON – Maryland Transportation Secretary David L
Clinton’s ’97 Budget Includes an Increase For Bay Funding
WASHINGTON – President Clinton’s proposed budget for fiscal year 1997 includes a small increase in funds for Chesapeake Bay cleanup programs
Senate Close To Passing Health Plan Disclosure Bill
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Senate gave preliminary approval Wednesday to a bill requiring health insurance carriers to disclose information about their plans and operating practices to consumers, employers and doctors