
Bill Would Make All State Agencies Install Toll-Free Lines

ANNAPOLIS – A bill that calls for equipping all state agencies with toll-free telephone numbers would make government equally accessible to all Marylanders, its sponsor said Tuesday

Education Board Cuts Two School Make-up Days

BALTIMORE – Students in Maryland public schools will not be required to make up two of the school days canceled because of bad weather, the Maryland State Board of Education decided Tuesday

Sarbanes, Mikulski Urge President to Support Island Project

WASHINGTON – Maryland Sens

Federal Transportation Official Calls for Steps to Improve Train Safety

WASHINGTON – The National Transportation Safety Board chairman Tuesday told a Senate panel that several steps need to be taken to improve train safety

Shame Touted as Weapon to Fight Youth Crime

ANNAPOLIS – State lawmakers wrestling with the burgeoning problem of juvenile crime should follow the ancient example of New Zealand tribes and “shame” youthful offenders into going straight, a University of Maryland criminologist argues

Editors: Please hold for release for Sunday, Feb. 25, and after.

WASHINGTON – As president, Tyrese Ross Lloyd says, she would make sure people get more leisure time

Lawmakers Want Accountability for Economic Development Aid

ANNAPOLIS – Legislators want companies held more accountable for the jobs and capital investment they are supposed to bring in exchange for state loans or grants — but they’re torn over just how much accountability