ANNAPOLIS – A Baltimore County judge acted correctly in leaving alone the child-custody decision of a Pakistani court, even though the foreign court looked to Islamic teaching in determining the child’s “best interests,” the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled Wednesday
National Farm Bill’s Impact on Maryland May be Minimal
WASHINGTON – Maryland farmers, whose produce ranges from meat to milk to mushrooms, probably have little to fear from farm bills working their way through Congress, industry officials say
Senate Bill Would Require Drug Treatment Option for Prisoners
ANNAPOLIS – Most inmates in state and local facilities have drug or alcohol problems
Bill Could Make Suspended Drivers More Conspicuous
ANNAPOLIS – A Senate measure may allow the state to revoke the vehicle registrations of drivers who are caught driving with a suspended or revoked license
Young Sports Fan Wins History Bee
WASHINGTON – Study habits that have led him to straight A’s and perfect attendance may have helped Kelvin Brown win the 12th Annual African American History Bee
Editors:Please hold for release for Sunday, Feb. 18, and after.
WASHINGTON – When the Maryland Senate considers a bill to change the state’s ballot access rules, Barbara Robson will be following the proceedings
Economists Debate Merits of Publicly Funded Stadiums
ANNAPOLIS – While the NFL stadium debate continues to define the 1996 General Assembly session, economists nationwide disagree whether publicly funded sports facilities actually boost a region’s economy
Editors: Please hold for release for Sunday, Feb. 18, and after.
WASHINGTON – The primary race for Rep