ANNAPOLIS – Sitting in the plush state treasurer’s office, Richard N
Keyes’ Spokesman Says He’s in Presidential Race ‘Til the End
WASHINGTON – Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who came in sixth in the Iowa caucuses, does not plan to follow fifth-place finisher Phil Gramm out of the contest, a Keyes spokesman said
Endorsement Tiff,370
ANNAPOLIS – A state lawmaker from Baltimore, miffed by an editorial in that city’s daily newspaper, wants the General Assembly to agree with him that newspapers should tell their readers whenever their political endorsements reflect their publishers’ views
Prevailing Wage Law Repeal Is Before State Again
ANNAPOLIS – Supporters of a bill to repeal the prevailing wage law, which has failed numerous times in the past, hope this year’s proposal will be pulled through by the pro-business fever in the Legislature
Editors: This is a re-transmission of a story previously sent Feb. 7, following a subscriber request.
WASHINGTON – A Democratic challenger for the 1st District seat in Congress has more than twice as much campaign money in the bank as the incumbent, Republican Rep
Editors: This is a re-transmission of a story previously sent Feb. 7, following a subscriber request.
WASHINGTON – Republican Rep
HUD Gives Technological Boost to Community Involvement
WASHINGTON – Whether it’s for playgrounds, sidewalks, low- income housing or emergency shelters, Marylanders will soon be able to visualize exactly where some federal money is being used in their neighborhoods
COG Presses Congress and Clinton for Bay Funding
WASHINGTON – The Washington Area Council of Governments passed a resolution Wednesday urging Congress and President Clinton to fully fund a Chesapeake Bay cleanup program
Bill Would Encourage Electronic Filing of Campaign Reports
ANNAPOLIS – A state lawmaker invited his colleagues to take a step closer to the Information Age Wednesday by allowing Maryland candidates to file their campaign disclosure reports in electronic form
Court of Special Appeals Upholds Finneyfrock Murder Conviction
ANNAPOLIS – In his opening statement during the trial last year of a Baltimore County man accused of murdering his parents, a state’s attorney played a recording of gunshots to simulate the killing